Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I have started a new job. I am working for our mortgage broker who is now changing his business to logistics (transportation brokerage). Right now my brain is literally fried, being on the computer for part of the day, making phone calls to complete strangers, having to remember key words to say. I believe that my brain feels like mush. I know God has called me to that work place for a purpose, other than just making money and making my boss money. He doesn't know the Lord and somehow, little ol' me is going to shine a light in his dark world. Only it won't be my light, it will be God's. Because in my flesh I want to be proud, I don't want to be meek and mild. This is a whole new world for me. The last time I worked in an office I was a "Christian" but living as the world did. Now I am different, Jesus has changed me and I think that this is a test. But will I make it past the difficulties of work like calling strangers and sort of selling our company on the phone? That I really despise but if the Lord has called me there I must be obedient. Anyway, pray for me to speak the words the Lord has called me to speak, or just be the person He has called me to be. No more, no less...anything else would be living a lie. Talk about a walk of faith. He will never leave me nor forsake me.

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